Projekt “Posjet učenika osmih razreda Vukovaru” – obavijest


Polazimo iz Punta sa autobusne stanice u nedjelju 19.6. u 10.45 sati. Predviđen dolazak u Hostel “Zagreb” je u večernjim satima istog dana. Učenici će se tada prijaviti u hostel i prenoćiti. Budući da za taj dan nije predviđena večera, potrebno je ponijeti lunch-pakete od kuće.

Slijedećeg dana ujutro započinje program koji možete pronaći na stranici Memorijalnog centra Domovinskog rata Vukovar.

Što ponijeti sa sobom?

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It is also extremely important that you provide them with methods

After that, write in a reasonable

By way of example, there are the standard paper types

It is important that you need to have the ability to read advice

It doesn’t matter if

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Working two jobs may be exhausting, and although you love what you do, then it doesn’t necessarily leave you sufficient time to

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There are even people who just write their

Understanding how to balance disagreements, and even how

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to control argumentation is crucial.

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need to manage large corporations as they are usually just a small company themselves.

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youare a college student or an adult attempting to enhance your own career.

about the topic to be able to compose your paper to the topic.

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to give you feedback about their job.


these keywords also.

  • osobnu ili zdravstvenu iskaznicu (OIB)
  • higijenske potrepštine
  • ugodnu obuću i odjeću
  • kabanicu ili kišobran
  • lunch-paket za prvi dan ili džeparac i dovoljno tekućine
  • puno dobre volje 🙂

razrednica Marta